Fantasy Football Punishments

Fantacy football

Fantasy Football Punishments

Finally, it’s that time of year again. Kids are going back to school, the days are getting a bit shorter, and if you are one of our friends in the northern states, you are looking forward to some cooler weather just around the corner.

This can only mean one thing. It’s Football season!!!! Yes, we have finally made it!!!! We now have 6 months of football. As a Cowboys fan, this is the most exciting part of the season, as we haven’t found a way to blow our season yet.

Whether you are a casual fan or a die-hard football fan, chances are you have played or heard of Fantasy Football. If you haven’t heard of fantasy football, you should look for a different place to live instead of the rock you currently live under.

Nonetheless, there is a new trend that’s going on with Fantasy Football called Punishments. Normally there are trophies and cash prizes for the winners, but now many leagues are adding an ANTI PRIZE for last place AKA the Fantasy Football punishment:

Here are 3 of my favorite Fantasy Football Punishments:

1. Cart Girl for the day – This is where the loser of the fantasy football league has to be the “cart girl” for the day at a golf course or for a Tournament.

I like this one because it bleeds over well. Many middle-aged men who peaked in high school and brag about their previous sports performances often use fantasy football to as an escape from their lackluster love and shitty careers… This is also why they golf. Blending these 2 roles together and dressing up as the cart girl makes for an amazing opportunity for friends to humiliate the loser.

Check out a real one below:

2. Spend 24 hours in a Waffle House – Now I’m not saying that The Waffle House is not a fine establishment, I’ve dined there many times. I just don’t think I’d want to be there overnight. For this punishment, the loser has to stay in the waffle house for a full 24 hours.. With one catch.. They can knock of an hour of time for every waffle they eat.

Read this Twitter thread for a live play-by-play of someone fulfilling this punishment:

3. Taking the SAT – This one might be the funniest to me. I’m not sure if you remember taking your SAT, but I remember it being very early in the morning and on a Saturday and miserable.

Now imagine that but being an adult and hungover. I’m sure the kids will be wondering why you were there.

For this punishment leagues typically implement a minimum score or they have to pay for a bar tab.

As stated, those are some of my favorites, but let’s check out some components that make a good fantasy football punishment.

Public Embarrassment: This could involve wearing a ridiculous costume or outfit in a public place, performing embarrassing tasks, or doing a dare in front of a crowd.

Social Media Humiliation:The loser might have to post embarrassing pictures, videos, or confessions on their social media accounts for a specified period of time.

Body Hair Removal: This could include waxing or shaving body hair in unusual patterns or places.

Tattoos or Permanent Markings: The loser might have to get a temporary or even permanent tattoo of something related to the winning team or the league.

Unpleasant Food Challenges: Eating something extremely spicy, gross, or unappetizing can be a challenging punishment.

Charitable Donations: The loser might have to donate a certain amount of money to a charity chosen by the winner or the league.

Temporary Loss of Privileges: The loser might lose their phone for a day, have to do chores for the winner, or be the designated driver for a period of time.

Creative Writing or Performance: The loser could be tasked with writing and performing a humiliating song, poem, or story about their failure in the league.

Cold Water Challenges: Similar to the “Ice Bucket Challenge,” the loser might have to endure a cold-water dunking or a cold shower.

Public Apology: The loser could be required to publicly apologize to the league or the winner in a humorous or humiliating way.

In closing, fantasy football punishments are a fun way to make sure players don’t tank if they are in last place towards the end of the season.

Also, be careful when conniving up fantasy football punishment ideas, they might just come back to haunt you.

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